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Lake Street Bar Eatery & Events

315 Lake Street


    "Cocktails & Conversations"  

Welcome To Lake Street Bar, Shreveport, Louisiana

Welcome to Lake Street Bar, Eatery & Events, your prime destination for social vibes, live music, parties, and best venue for your next party or event.

Premiere Live Entertainment & Event Venue

Full Service Bar Inside and Outside

Try one of our signature drinks or whatever you desire. Lake Street Bar has Bartenders on staff to bring whatever drink to life. Inside and Outside Bar fully equipped to serve you. 


Lake Street Bar features a Bar menu for our regular Bar days but also features a full catering menu for your next special party or event. See event booking for more details about party booking. The featured picture is our very delicious and fulfilling lake street loaded tacos. 

DJ's-Music-Live Bands-Comedy

At Lake Street Bar we off all types of Entertainment. Whether you enjoy DJs, live bands, comedy shows, or just a Bar night out chilling to the sounds of our superb house system, we got you covered. 

Event of the month

Saturday October 29th Lake Street Bar Presents 

"A Nightmare on Lake Street"

Halloween Party and Costume Contest

$10 General Admission