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About US

Not your typical Bar. Lake Street Bar is your premier multi-function venue for live entertainment, craft cocktails, beer, great food, and doubles as an event center ready to book and cater your next party or event. We specialize in the party. Its your birthday? Let us do all the work and create you a memorable experience.

Lake Street Signature Cocktails

Summer Breeze

Lake Street Apple Martini

Pink Whitney

Hello come on out see what everyone has had to say about their experience at Lake Street Bar. 

Frederick Ellis

Owner, Manager

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Our Bar / Catering Menu

Bar / Catering Menu:

Dog House Menu- All Beef Dogs / Chips 7.99  (Bacon BBQ, Old Mexico, New York New York, Cali Breeze) 

Cajun Turkey Rotel / Chips 9.99 

Loaded Taco Bar (2)- Beef-chicken-Steak 7.99-8.99-9.99

Sweat-Heat BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwich 9.99

Sweet Potato / Squash Casserole 2.99

Down South Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread 12.00

Supreme Nachos 10.99

BBQ Down Home Pork Sausages 7.99

Lean & Mean Turkey Chili / Crackers 9.99

Green Beans Xtreme 2.99

Authentic Cole Slaw 2.99

Spicy Shrimp / Sausage (Turkey) Pasta Supreme 15.00

Lake Street Turkey Burger / Chips 12.00

Grilled Wings (6) (Dry Rub, BBQ, Lemon Pepper, Spicy Parm Ranch) 7.99

BBQ (Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Pork Chops) 12.00 (2 meat plate with 2 sides)

BBQ Beans 2.99

Potato Salad  2.99

Special of the Day (12.00)

 Party Catering 

Authentic Cole Slaw

Cajun Turkey Rotel

Lean & Mean Turkey Chili

Lake Street BBq Wings

Green Beans Xtreme